Do you worry about what others think of you?


Do you worry about what others think of you?

Are you scared to really stop and listen to yourself, are you afraid of what will happen if you do?

Do you like being alone with yourself? In your mind, wrapped up in your own inner thoughts?

Do you not volunteer or get involved in anything because you are afraid of getting too involved.  Not really sure you have anything to offer? Do not have what it takes to be the best that you can be? Well, here is a answer, You have the power to do absolutely anything you want. Yes. Sometimes you have to work and train to accomplish what you wish but, you can do it!

Everyone has fears.  You are not alone.  There are two core fears, fear of failure or fear of success.  These take many names such as rejection, abandonment, not good enough,fear of failure,repeat performance.  Fear can become a phobia when we allow our mind to escalate the fear to an extremely high level.  There are so many fears which can be potential phobia’s: such as atelophobia, the fear of imperfection; or, atychiphopia, the fear of failure; or catagelophia, the fear of being ridiculed. Which we need to work on because it is you and only you nobody else. You are in charge of now.

Fear is really your reaction to something that hasn’t happened yet.  It is simply your mind trying to already predict your future.  Since the mind has limited information in regards to a certain situational outcome it cooks up the end result as it thinks will happen based on past experience.  This is important.

Why is this important?

Because past experience is controlled by your sub-conscious mind.  Your sub-conscious mind, or your feeling mind, holds all of your experiences that have become your behaviors, habits, paradigms and conditioning. 

Take control of your mind, your thoughts, think about what it is you really want and just do it!
Never second guess yourself because you will always just end up second guessing. Whatever it is just do it.