“Why Whole Foods”? ( Why I Stayed With Sozo)


Vitamins and Multivitamins DO NOT heal the body. Vitamins and multivitamins are not foods. In fact, they are a collection of chemicals.

Over the years, food science researchers have identified a great number of important food substances that are far more important than vitamins or minerals!

This amazing discovery explains why vitamin and mineral pills just do not work as well as whole foods and whole food supplements.


Foods heal illness, provide our cells with energy, prevent disease and build our immunity. Only whole, natural foods have this life-supporting power. Not vitamins, not multivitamins and not drugs. Whether you are suffering from a common cold, arthritis, asthma, heart disease, cancer, mouth sores, diabetes, prostate problems, PMS, osteoporosis, joint pain, headaches, back pain or any other symptom or disease, you absolutely need the full range of nutrients that are only found in nature’s real, whole, pure foods!


The main focus of this is, Why swallow a handful of Vitamins that are not really doing anything but making you feel accomplished??

If you are a Coffee drinker or a Juice lover than why not get your nutrition from your morning cup of coffee, or three ounce cup of juice.

It is just as simple as that, all wrapped in a nutshell.


It is simply the most comprehensive, 100% natural, wide-range healthy beverage you can get. One three-ounce serving of SoZo’s Nutritional Beverage a day provides the approximate antioxidant capacity of 21 servings of fruits and vegetables.

                 “WHOLE FOODS”