“The Coffee Behind The Bucket List” (Most Expensive Coffee In The World”!)


The Bucket List, a Warner Brothers movie starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, which included references to kopi luwak.


After reading and doing some research I can say that the Kopi Luwak Coffee is 100% true on “The Bucket List”!

If you do not remember this movie I Will give you a quick breakdown.


The story is based around two terminally ill men (Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman) that create a list of things to do before they die.

The men meet in a hospital room where they are roommates. Jack Nicholson’s character drinks a fancy coffee called Kopi Luwak. Morgan Freeman gives him a hard time about drinking the fancy Kopi Luwak coffee, and says he prefers normal coffee.

So, What’s the deal about this Coffee you ask”? Well, for a start this is the most EXPENSIVE COFFEE IN The World. The second is it is made from the Waste of the Kopi luwak. The Asian Palm Civet or ‘luwak‘ as it is called in Indonesia. The luwak eats the small round coffee cherries digesting the meat while leaving the seeds, which are in fact coffee beans, undigested. The coffee beans pass out of the luwak as waste along with other fruit seeds and anything else that has not been absorbed.


Let me stop right here just to repeat that again!

The luwak eats the small round “COFFEE CHERRIES” digesting the meat while leaving the seeds, which are in fact coffee beans, undigested. The coffee beans pass out of the luwak as waste!? 

The thing I am trying to get across is “why wait for the most nutritional part of The Coffee Cherrie to come from the animal’s waste?  Not to mention the price of this Coffee Per Pound!


I can not tell you what it taste like because I had never tried it but, what I do know is that being a little analytical can save you some cash and make sense of things just a little bit better.


The Antioxidants and all the nutritional value is in these bright cherries and here at Sozo we use the whole cherry. So therefore why pay a couple of hundred for a pound of Coffee”?  When you can get your Coffee for under twenty dollars here with the NUTRITIONAL VALUE?

The choice is yours and it just makes sense. If you have any questions feel free to send me a email to GrabTheBerry@Gmail.Com or click link below for more Coffee and Opportunity information.



“The Amazing History Of Coffee”!


According to a coffee history legend, an Arabian shepherd named Kaldi discovered his goats dancing happily around a dark green leafed shrub with bright red cherries in the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula.


  Well Kaldi was not letting the goats have all the fun, So therefore Kaldi ate the cherries himself. This is when he found that it was the bright red cherries on the shrub that were causing the peculiar euphoria and because of his own curiosity trying the cherries himself, he learned of their powerful effect.  The stimulating effect was then exploited by monks at a local monastery to stay awake during extended hours.

Although not all coffee producers use these Cherries you must really do your research, like I did a few years ago. Here at Sozo they use the whole cherry in our Coffees. So not only do we get the healthy pick me up but, we also receive all the antioxidants.

Coffee Will Never Be The Same.


“Where Am I Now”?

Well, actually I have been here for a few years already behind the scenes. I did take a short break for awhile but, I am excited and totally back in action!

Not only is there money to be made here but also a way to a healthier you.

Let me start by introducing you to the Functional Drink. Which is amazing if I say so myself!


The Most Nutritional Beverage on the Planet

SoZo’s® Nutritional Beverage is so much more than just a whole coffee fruit beverage. Even with the astounding antioxidant value of the CoffeeBerry®, 625 times that of the blueberry, SoZo® went further in creating the perfect nutritional beverage.

SoZo® has developed a proprietary blend of the CoffeeBerry and other powerful fruit and vegetable extracts that, together, offer a full spectrum of antioxidant protection for the body and the mind.

It is simply the most comprehensive, 100% natural, wide-range healthy beverage you can get. One three-ounce serving of SoZo’s® Nutritional Beverage a day provides the approximate antioxidant capacity of 21 servings of fruits and vegetables.