“Protect Yourself From Inflammation”!


Despite the worldwide popularity of traditional coffee beans the berry of the coffee plant has been largely overlooked. The Antioxidant and nutrient packed coffee berry is the bright red, fleshy fruit that surrounds the bean. Up until now, farmers who harvested coffee beans threw away and destroyed the fruit because there was no demand or research for its use, and the pulp was extremely perishable. Over the past four years, one found a way to harvest, transport and extract the pulp to create one Coffee Berry, and thus re-invent the way consumers view (and consume!) coffee today.


Coffee Berry is so very unique, we are not just a Coffee product or a new fad, We are finally able to drink a Coffee that loves us back! I will explain why and how this Coffee drink should be your start to the day.

50 Million people suffer from high Cholesterol, As most know Cholesterol is sticky and stops the blood from traveling to well.

30 Million people suffer from High Blood Pressure, As most know High blood pressure begins with two issues,1. being inflammation, 2.Being Plaque build up.

20 million will suffer from Diabetes, Each and everyone of these conditions equal out to Heart Problems, Such as congestive heart failure,C.O.P.D,Etc

70 percent of Americans are over weight (maybe more) 1 of 2 men will have Cancer,1 of three woman will have Cancer in some point of their lives. As we know that Cancer seems to be or is on the rise and not just in adults but in Children as well.


You may ask well okay Where do we start? The answer to that question is to start at the main source and that would be the Cell.We have a Trillion cells in our body and they are all waiting to do work for us. These Cells also must be fed, what you feed the Cells is what you will see in the outcome.

Example, If you feed your Cells a greasy Cheeseburger and down it with a Coke, I can not see your overall health being 100% in the future if that is what your diet consists of on a day to day basis.

What you should be putting into your body is a Functional Drink, a Functional drink is a instant delivery into the gut and the blood stream. This functional drink is multiple ingredients that work Synergisticly together. Meaning if the ingredients do not pair up well they will do no good for the Blood.


If you are seriously looking for a change in body and mind I would say take this drink 3oz in the Morning. It is said to take in the morning because that when it gets your Blood glucose set for the day. Diabetics are guided to take at different measurements during the day.

This function drink give us 21 fruits and vegetable extracts which means this is where the Antioxidants come from.

So,There is some information on the Functional Beverage and in my next article I will bring you studies on this amazing Coffee fruit.

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“Deadly Epidemic Worldwide”


I am bringing some facts on this epidemic, that is sweeping our nation and continues to spread globally.

The Center Of Disease Control says: Approximately 12.5 million of children and adolescents aged 2-19 are OBESE. <


The World Health Organization stated that there are an estimated 1.46 Billion overweight adults worldwide, and it seems to be growing. They also state that 502 Million of those are considered OBESE.

The country is facing a Deadly Epidemic and it is continuing to grow globally, as stated above.

Roughly 190 Million Americans are overweight or considered Obese and the rest of the world is starting to catch up on this deadly fad.

Now we may ask, how did this happen? Well “Fast Food is at the tips of everybody’s fingertips,to most this seems like a very easy way out, as it seems it may be so but at the same time it is also  crippling our nation.

Obesity related diseases are 147 Billion Dollar Medical Burden each year according to the Center Of Disease Control.

Fast food is available on every street corner and not to mention that every year 24,000 different foods enter the Marketplace,filled with saturated fats,preservatives,and are highly processed.

This is horrifying!” This is the cause of Obesity,Diabetes,Heart Disease, and Malnutrition. This also is a main cause of awful Sleeping Patterns and Stress Levels.


I also wish to add another issue stated by The Center Of Disease Control: It is said that this is the first Generation that parents will actually out live their Children!!

That my friends is a Horrific thought, but it is in this statement that you do have the power to fix this issue.

Children as young as 12 years of age are being diagnosed with High Blood Pressure,Studies actually show that a child has a 1in 3 chance of developing Type 2 Diabetes. Which I may add is the 7th cause of Death in The United States. <

I believe it is time to make a change, and this my friends is definitely something we can change,and absolutely should now! <

You see, the body is so amazing it can actually begin to heal itself, with the right Diet and the right Supplements you will begin to bring your Body back into perfect balance. (As it should be)

This is what will happen when you begin to lose fat:<a

1.)Migraines reduce 57%
2.) Depression -Reduces 55%
3.)Sleep Apnea-Reduces 98%
4.) Hypertension-Reduces 92%
5.)Type 2 Diabetes-Reduces 83%
6.)Gout-Reduces 77%
7.)PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome-79%
8.)Degenerative Joint Disease-76%

After all that being said, as you can see your overall LifeSpan increases.
