“The Miserable Person, With A Fake Smile”


Many of us have had this thought cross our minds on a regular basis, followed immediately by the desperate feeling of believing we can’t do anything to change our situation. If you’ are trapped in the “Hamster Wheel” “the daily routine      of ““I’m quitting my job”, Wait I can’t quit my job”””Oh! whatever am I gonna do”?  Then you go about your day as one miserable person or walk around with a fake smile on your face.

Well, whatever it is you can change it, but you do not have to take my word for it at all. You must listen to your inner self on what you should really do. What you always wanted to do just think you can! Do not ever down yourself and say “well, I will never be able to do this or that! Do not ever question yourself.

So many give up on things to fast, and some do not even try! I know myself will never stay on the ground when something knocks me down. As I have been there so many times. I can say that I am still here and moving forward.

You see, if you are not happy and just coast throughout the day dragging your feet just to make it, I must say that is just not the way life should be lived. Change your situation. Weather you join me in business or not that choice is all up to you.

I am just here to give you the information and the key to change your health,weight loss, or finances, no matter what it may be. I will make sure I am there every step of the way.

The last thing is, Why would you work at a “job” just to make somebody else rich and happy?
Life is about making you “Happy, You spending time with family and friends, or taking that vacation you always wanted and returning home if you choose to, or maybe you just want to sit at home, enjoy your pool. I know I sure do.


The moral of this here is, it is not about me here, it is about you, your life, Your wants, Your goals and how we can work together to get you to where you want to be.

Click the link for more information.
“Is Ariix Right For Me”? Or maybe it is your Health/weight loss you want. Health,Detox,weight loss,water system,shakes,

“What Happens To Your Fast Food”


Well, what does happen to your fast food before it gets into your hands a mouth?  Here is a little idea below.

Thanks to the wonders of social networking, a Taco Bell worker has been caught licking taco shells at one of the company’s fast food locations. A male worker for the fast food giant, who obviously missed health and safety and hygiene lessons, has become the center of unwanted media attention after he foolishly posted a picture of himself licking a huge stack of tacos! Also back in April a girl was caught licking potatoes!

In my belief there is always a reason behind everything such as people complain, complain, and complain about everything! Especially at restaurants, that is a definitely number #1 thing not to do, because what do you think is going to happen to your food when you send it back for being to cold or anything else for that matter. There are things you just don’t do.

Now, I am not saying that it is every where, or any of this is right to do but, really think about it. What would you do at a teenage age if you had a minimum wage job dealing with nagging and complaining?

McDonald’s also stated that it is a human right for employees not to wash their hands, but will that stop people from eating there? No, no it will not. What I do know that this being stated will give somebody another reason to sue for something, just like people blame fast food restaurants for being obese. Clearly this is not the Fast food industry’s fault.

The solution is STOP eating it!
So many focus on complaining about thing’s and waste their energy, Again why not make a change and do something about it.


“Stop Making Excuses”


Have you ever made excuses for sitting around waiting for things to change and getting nowhere? With all the benefits of getting into condition, seeking desired education, training, a job, or a career change, why would you still hesitate? We hesitate because we live on excuses oh yes we do.

Why do we make excuses’? Well, because it’s so very easy to get out of thing’s and situations. When clearly we never conquer the issue at hand, we cover it up with a excuse after another like a bandage.

We then sit and wait for the next excuse, it is absolutely absurd. I know I’ve been there done that. We all have been there i’m sure.

What we must do is take full responsibility for our own actions nobody stands in our way but us. I know it sounds crazy but, if your in a situation that does not feel good, or just bringing you down CHANGE IT! If your job drags you down, people dragging you down,and etc walk away.


Of course this is not a easy task, or maybe the thought has never crossed your mind,but it can be done. Think about it, What makes you happy? What would you really wish to do? I say act upon it and the rest of what you need will surely fall into place.

“The Mind Is Brilliant”


Yes, our minds our absolutely brilliant! Did you know that if you silence the mind, the soul will heal the body? Yes it is so.

You see we are of Infinite Intelligence such as The “Akashic Records”, We do hold all the information of past,present and future. Can you imagine getting all the secrets unlocked as to why you feel and act the way you do and then being able to move forward in your everyday life like never before? You may not believe me and that’s okay, but this is really true. We just have to learn how to unlock this information. Once the mind is unlocked and enlightened you will definitely discover the magic in you.


I find learning to be a beautiful gift that we are given, and I know that I personally want to learn about absolutely everything there is out there to know, but hey” that’s just me. I would definitely move into the largest of libraries if I could and read every real book that I could. Now, I say “real” because nowadays everyone reads “online” if you ask my opinion on that, I think reading a whole book online actually sucks. That would take me back to the blog I just posted about going back to imagination and such. Some may say well “that’s old school” Well, it also appears to me that calling someone on the phone is old school as well. It is text messaging, Email, and etc. Like we are robots. I will never lose the natural feeling of doing things the way things should be done. That again would be not reading a book plugged into a device.


To me working a 9-5 job for somebody else is “old school”, Making someone else money is “old school” We do have the power to make those choices, it is up to you from there on. We can not make decisions for anybody but ourselves.


“Mirror Mirror”


When you look in the Mirror what do you see? What do you really see? Of course you see your reflection,but what does it tell you, what does it truly say? Are you happy with what you see? Is there anything you like or don’t like? Why?

The truth is when a child looks into a mirror the child just sees his/her reflection and just has a good ol’ time in the mirror, making faces,smiling and just absolutely loving it!


Then as you grow you connect to other thing’s such as “vanity” thoughts start racing through your mind and you start judging yourself and finding every single flaw. Am I correct? I think it is absolutely absurd. You don’t think this is good enough, or that’s not good enough, your to fat or to thin and the list goes on. Now you go into a deep depression and from when the careless mind of a child in the “Mirror” diminishes you now look more like this in the “mirror”


You see now,people start needing things, and more things to make them “happy” Such as if I buy this outfit I am going to be the fairest in the land. If I buy this Castle everybody is going to be jealous and envy me! I see these things happen all the time.

This is what I do not understand and never will because these things may make you “happy” for a little while but then it will soon vanish and you will be back to the beginning again. You can not find happiness in things, such as material things that is. I will tell you right now that you can not take any of those things with you when we leave this earth.

To me I find that everyone tries so hard to compete with each other in this world, that they spend every beautiful second of their precious life doing so. It really saddens me to the core to see this happen.

We were not born to live to impress other’s and to the point that it turns into a game. What we were out here to do is Love and learn, teach and just explore. Well I guess that is just my own opinion.

The first thing you must do is absolutely love yourself, that is key in life. Have belief in yourself and others. We were not born to judge and hate, but what we were given was The Power To Love and be able to share it with others.


Time is very short on this earth, so find what it is that you want,Desire,Love and go for it! What do you want to do? Where do you see yourself in the future? What do you want to be doing? Do you want to work 9-5 everyday? Do you want absolute freedom but don’t know how? I can help you with that issue, as well as health.

You can do absolutely anything, just don’t let anyone ever tell you different.

Whatever you wish you can have, you just need to believe you can.
So, therefore next time you look into that “mirror’ absolutely love what you see with your whole being. You are important! Change the things you can and except the things you can not really change.
Love your reflection!
