“Do You Have Your Circle Of Trust”?

I must say that the Energy on social media is absolutely” Bi Polar” if you know what i’m saying.

What I don’t understand is why so many crave so much attention all over Social Media”? I will tell you that some people are not all they claim to be! What I am trying to say is that people actually get upset and heavily” Depressed because they live off of how many “likes” or “comments” they get on their posts!


What is this world coming to? I just want to say is, “WHO CARES” What others think about what you wear, What kind of Cell Phone you have, The question you must ask yourself is,  How come so many are insecure and find security in things? The deal is, is that it is not the clothes or toys that makes the person, It is the PERSON who makes the clothes.

Next is you have people that just complain and complain about absolutely everything, that is a warning sign to eject yourself from that situation. They always turn positive into negative. It is so easy to get caught up in people’s everyday drama. (Don’t Do It)

The thing is, is to focus on what you want out of life, focus on you and do not let other’s bring you down. Life is about the simple things, and really, there are good people online just be very aware.

Think about it, Online people can be just about anything. Find your circle of trust and keep it.

That is all I have to say for now.
