“Mirror Mirror”


When you look in the Mirror what do you see? What do you really see? Of course you see your reflection,but what does it tell you, what does it truly say? Are you happy with what you see? Is there anything you like or don’t like? Why?

The truth is when a child looks into a mirror the child just sees his/her reflection and just has a good ol’ time in the mirror, making faces,smiling and just absolutely loving it!


Then as you grow you connect to other thing’s such as “vanity” thoughts start racing through your mind and you start judging yourself and finding every single flaw. Am I correct? I think it is absolutely absurd. You don’t think this is good enough, or that’s not good enough, your to fat or to thin and the list goes on. Now you go into a deep depression and from when the careless mind of a child in the “Mirror” diminishes you now look more like this in the “mirror”


You see now,people start needing things, and more things to make them “happy” Such as if I buy this outfit I am going to be the fairest in the land. If I buy this Castle everybody is going to be jealous and envy me! I see these things happen all the time.

This is what I do not understand and never will because these things may make you “happy” for a little while but then it will soon vanish and you will be back to the beginning again. You can not find happiness in things, such as material things that is. I will tell you right now that you can not take any of those things with you when we leave this earth.

To me I find that everyone tries so hard to compete with each other in this world, that they spend every beautiful second of their precious life doing so. It really saddens me to the core to see this happen.

We were not born to live to impress other’s and to the point that it turns into a game. What we were out here to do is Love and learn, teach and just explore. Well I guess that is just my own opinion.

The first thing you must do is absolutely love yourself, that is key in life. Have belief in yourself and others. We were not born to judge and hate, but what we were given was The Power To Love and be able to share it with others.


Time is very short on this earth, so find what it is that you want,Desire,Love and go for it! What do you want to do? Where do you see yourself in the future? What do you want to be doing? Do you want to work 9-5 everyday? Do you want absolute freedom but don’t know how? I can help you with that issue, as well as health.

You can do absolutely anything, just don’t let anyone ever tell you different.

Whatever you wish you can have, you just need to believe you can.
So, therefore next time you look into that “mirror’ absolutely love what you see with your whole being. You are important! Change the things you can and except the things you can not really change.
Love your reflection!
