“Never To Late To Move Your Ass”


There are just a few more month’s left until we say Good-Bye to 2013 and begin 2014. Will it be a new start for you or are we going to sit around and drag ass like we have been in 2013?

We always have some kind of robotic routine every year, It goes a little like this. The ball goes up everybody gathers around, most start making resolutions such as weight loss, being more positive, volunteer and so on. I LAUGH at this because it is the same thing EVERY YEAR! Am I correct?

Well, no matter what day, what year, what time or moment it is just never to late to make that move. Do not just sit and wait for a new year to begin whatever it is that you want or may want to do.

The year’s go by so fast and finally by the time we crawl out of our turtle shells and release the fear that has been holding us back in the first place we then already have one DAMN foot in the grave.

Do not be that I “Should Of, Could Of Person” Take this moment and really think about it.

Most people are stuck in their dead end jobs, making somebody else rich. You are in a Hamster Wheel spinning in circles but, that wheel will keep spinning if you do not STOP it. “YOU” have to decide what it is that you want to be doing.

When you are ready to “Grab Life By The Balls” and eventually take control of your time I will be here.

Stop the routine, enough of playing “Robot”crawl out of your shell and take control. If you are jumpy and ready to start right away just visit the link below to learn more as well as join.

Then if you are 100% ready you can call or text me at the number on the website.

Yes, I am ready to move my Ass.

“Pure Bliss” (SozoLife-Growing Demand)

“A Sozo Life is a Happy Life”


Growing Demand

Currently, soft drink sales are declining, and the demand for nutritional beverages (drinks that offer a health benefit) is Increasing Rapidly.

So clearly this is one reason why you should look into this beverage. Not just for the health reasons but, also for the fantastic opportunity we have here at Coffee Berry.

If you are a “Coffee Lover, Energy Drinker, Health Conscious, or maybe just one for business, then you are at the right place and at the right time.

The point is, We are more than just Coffee.. Come on and see for yourself. Click me… or watch the 12 minute Presentation.




You should create a business plan, just like you would with any business. Determine things like how you will market your business and what your goals are. Utilize proven marketing strategies such as social media and online marketing, cold calling and business networking.

The Next thing that is extremely important is to BE A LEADER!

The people who are the most successful at network marketing like working with people and helping them. Many people have a misconception that the focus is on selling products. Although it is a key component, the real money is made by recruiting people, or building a downline.

The better your downline does, the more money you make. As you create a downline, you want to make sure that you’re doing everything possible to assist and develop your team, setting them up for success.

 Know Your Products!

You should be an expert on your products, always working to expand your knowledge. Read all current educational materials on your products and stay on top of all new educational materials put out by your company.

Last but not least is know your why!!

-Join Tammy-


“A Whole Lot Of Time Together” (Find A Mentor)


In Network Marketing you must find somebody you will enjoy working with, as well as learning from. This business is all about Relationship Marketing.”

Understand that a good mentor might have a lot going on and may not be available at the time you try to contact them but should always return your call promptly. You and your mentor are going to spend a lot of time working together over the coming years, so taking a few minutes to get to know him/her is a good thing. They must have good communication skills, be well-organized, and know how to treat others with respect.

Your network marketing success depends on it. Take your time and partner with someone that could provide MLM mentoring.

If you are ready click the link below.

-Network With Tammy-


“Our Distributors Come Before All Else.”


One of the risks of being self-employed is that obtaining health benefits is very expensive. If you have a home-based business and your spouse doesn’t work for a company that provides health benefits, then you’re probably part of the over 40 Million people in the US who go without health insurance.

It is very unlikely for someone to be receiving health benefits through a self proprietorship, but it’s even more unlikely heard of someone to receive  health benefits through multi-level marketing. I’d never heard of a multi-level marketing business offering something like this ever in my years of marketing, Well, until I stumbled across SoZo.


They offer full medical, dental and vision benefits, and even life insurance, for you and your entire family. On top of that, they offer network discounts, prescription savings, 24/7 access to behavioral health care, and additional medical discounts.

The higher your rank, the lower your out-of-pocket costs. As you grow your business, you can also enjoy car bonuses – you don’t have to rank that high for this – along with lifestyle and home payment bonuses.


By doing this, SoZo is creating a new industry standard. It speaks to their integrity. They’re showing that they’re deeply invested in taking care of their distributors and their families. It’s not surprising that above the door of SoZo corporate office hangs a banner that reads: “Our distributors come before all else.”


-Work With Tammy-

“What Is ORAC”?


Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) is a measurement of a food or product’s ability to fight disease-causing free radicals. 

The greater the amount of natural antioxidants (free-radical scavengers), the higher the ORAC score. 

Brunswick Labs is the most recognized global organization that determines ORAC value.

We here at Sozo have the highest in ORAC.

“Protect Yourself From Inflammation”!


Despite the worldwide popularity of traditional coffee beans the berry of the coffee plant has been largely overlooked. The Antioxidant and nutrient packed coffee berry is the bright red, fleshy fruit that surrounds the bean. Up until now, farmers who harvested coffee beans threw away and destroyed the fruit because there was no demand or research for its use, and the pulp was extremely perishable. Over the past four years, one found a way to harvest, transport and extract the pulp to create one Coffee Berry, and thus re-invent the way consumers view (and consume!) coffee today.


Coffee Berry is so very unique, we are not just a Coffee product or a new fad, We are finally able to drink a Coffee that loves us back! I will explain why and how this Coffee drink should be your start to the day.

50 Million people suffer from high Cholesterol, As most know Cholesterol is sticky and stops the blood from traveling to well.

30 Million people suffer from High Blood Pressure, As most know High blood pressure begins with two issues,1. being inflammation, 2.Being Plaque build up.

20 million will suffer from Diabetes, Each and everyone of these conditions equal out to Heart Problems, Such as congestive heart failure,C.O.P.D,Etc

70 percent of Americans are over weight (maybe more) 1 of 2 men will have Cancer,1 of three woman will have Cancer in some point of their lives. As we know that Cancer seems to be or is on the rise and not just in adults but in Children as well.


You may ask well okay Where do we start? The answer to that question is to start at the main source and that would be the Cell.We have a Trillion cells in our body and they are all waiting to do work for us. These Cells also must be fed, what you feed the Cells is what you will see in the outcome.

Example, If you feed your Cells a greasy Cheeseburger and down it with a Coke, I can not see your overall health being 100% in the future if that is what your diet consists of on a day to day basis.

What you should be putting into your body is a Functional Drink, a Functional drink is a instant delivery into the gut and the blood stream. This functional drink is multiple ingredients that work Synergisticly together. Meaning if the ingredients do not pair up well they will do no good for the Blood.


If you are seriously looking for a change in body and mind I would say take this drink 3oz in the Morning. It is said to take in the morning because that when it gets your Blood glucose set for the day. Diabetics are guided to take at different measurements during the day.

This function drink give us 21 fruits and vegetable extracts which means this is where the Antioxidants come from.

So,There is some information on the Functional Beverage and in my next article I will bring you studies on this amazing Coffee fruit.

Become A Customer Or Work With Tammy


“Enlightenment And Greed”! (JUST LET GO)

Enlightenment is like wild horses running free with spirit and soul.


They have patience and with patience you achieve kindness and with kindness you achieve love you are content, content with yourself and life itself, You then are able to open your heart to the world and life around you, you start to see and set yourself free!

Free from Greed, Hatred, Ignorance, and Envy, once you are free from all of that is when you are truly Enlightened and at peace with yourself and others.

Take a long look around and take in everything that goes on in our world, our schools and right in front of our own noses! Children and their families lose their homes while other children complain about not getting enough for Christmas or how they did not get that 90 dollar pair of jeans, iPhone etc.

We are raising are children to be wasteful and greedy that’s so sad because so many many children can not even eat today!


We live in these huge houses and drive nice cars as a status symbol. Really? Do you really like the car you drive are you comfortable in the clothes you wear? I have a lifted jeep with a huge sticker on the hood! Why? because I like it. Not because my friends like it or I have to impress everyone. What I’m trying to say is do what you feels is right not what someone else feels or what they may think of you. I work from home and you always here people say “Oh that could never be done! “You have to work for the man 9-5 and make him rich! Yeah right! Fat chance I say!

You must be happy now with what you have because if you are not no amount of money or friends in the world will work.

Be happy in your own skin not in others or live in fear of what people may think or say about you. Live your own life and be your own boss, lose the fear and people telling you that you can not do it and say don’t you think everyone would be doing it? The answer is NO!! They do not try and they do not have any belief that they can, they were always told the sky was blue well to them the sky always will be blue because someone else told them so!

“Work With Tammy”


“How About A Hot Cup Of Mushrooms”?!(Said No-one Ever)


I am talking about Coffee here. Although I did get curious and actually tried a certain “Mushroom” coffee and let me tell you it was just plain NASTY”! I could not even give this stuff away.


Hey”! Some may be good and great tasting but as far as I am concerned I would rather enjoy a amazing cup of Coffee and save the “Mushrooms” or the “WASTE” products that I discussed in my last blog post, In a Vitamin or something.

I do not condone all the “Coffee Mushroom” drinkers out there, “Drink Up”! I seen some reviews on this and that, people saying that it’s good if you mix it with this or with that. “Why”? Why would you want to do that?

To each their own I guess. I just know that here at sozo you will not leave with a “Bad Taste” in your mouth. (Just Saying”).

Coffee-This Way!