“How About A Hot Cup Of Mushrooms”?!(Said No-one Ever)


I am talking about Coffee here. Although I did get curious and actually tried a certain “Mushroom” coffee and let me tell you it was just plain NASTY”! I could not even give this stuff away.


Hey”! Some may be good and great tasting but as far as I am concerned I would rather enjoy a amazing cup of Coffee and save the “Mushrooms” or the “WASTE” products that I discussed in my last blog post, In a Vitamin or something.

I do not condone all the “Coffee Mushroom” drinkers out there, “Drink Up”! I seen some reviews on this and that, people saying that it’s good if you mix it with this or with that. “Why”? Why would you want to do that?

To each their own I guess. I just know that here at sozo you will not leave with a “Bad Taste” in your mouth. (Just Saying”).

Coffee-This Way!

“ONE MILLION STRAWS”!( The SoZo® Water for Life Foundation)


When I first saw this I was actually floored. What a genius idea this is!

SoZo® Water for Life is on a mission to provide children, in the highest-need areas around the world, with access to safe and clean drinking water. In cooperation with World Vision, SoZo® is making clean drinking water possible for people who live in places where it is not, otherwise, available.

World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization and one of the largest development and relief organizations dedicated to working with children, families and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.

One solution is a drinking straw with a triple filtration system that will filter drinking water for one child for an entire year. The SoZo® Straw filters pollutants that cause typhoid, cholera, dysentery and other life-threatening diseases. Our goal is to distribute one million straws over the course of the next five years.

Water-borne illnesses are simply a fact of life for these children and adults. Five million people die every year of water-related illnesses. In fact, one child under the age of 14 dies every 15 seconds. Access to safe drinking water is critical to good health and survival.


“BEST COFFEE EVER”! ( Caffé Latte and Dark Roast)


SoZo has more grounds for celebrating this year with the exciting launch of our new antioxidant-rich, single serving Instant Coffee blends, available in two ultra-rich and delicious flavors — Caffé Latte and Dark Roast!
Enriched with CoffeeBerry®, each cup delivers gratifying, full-bodied premium coffee taste and is made with the finest 100% Arabica coffee beans. So drink up, and invite the coffee-lovers you know to join in!

Each serving of SoZo® Instant Coffee has the approximate antioxidant capacity of half a cup of blueberries, which is unlike any other instant coffee available!
This is the perfect product for sampling and starting a conversation about SoZo!


What better way to share our Best-in-Class products and Business Opportunity than over a hot cup of quick and bold SoZo® Instant Coffee?

It is SoZo’s least expensive way to sample yet!

Receive exceptional taste, an instant energy boost, plus value-added health benefits at grande savings in comparison to a latte or coffee beverage offered at retail price.

SoZo® Instant Coffee is available in stick packs for when you are on the go! Super easy to enjoy at home, work, school and when traveling!

The Best Cup Of Coffee


“Where Am I Now”?

Well, actually I have been here for a few years already behind the scenes. I did take a short break for awhile but, I am excited and totally back in action!

Not only is there money to be made here but also a way to a healthier you.

Let me start by introducing you to the Functional Drink. Which is amazing if I say so myself!


The Most Nutritional Beverage on the Planet

SoZo’s® Nutritional Beverage is so much more than just a whole coffee fruit beverage. Even with the astounding antioxidant value of the CoffeeBerry®, 625 times that of the blueberry, SoZo® went further in creating the perfect nutritional beverage.

SoZo® has developed a proprietary blend of the CoffeeBerry and other powerful fruit and vegetable extracts that, together, offer a full spectrum of antioxidant protection for the body and the mind.

It is simply the most comprehensive, 100% natural, wide-range healthy beverage you can get. One three-ounce serving of SoZo’s® Nutritional Beverage a day provides the approximate antioxidant capacity of 21 servings of fruits and vegetables.


“Cellular Death”



Energy drinks are full of this garbage and can also cause lots of damage to ones body,especially if one has Heart Problems.

Monster drinks also contain sodium benzoate, a preservative under the guise of benzoic acid in Monster Energy labels. The Center for Science in the Public Interest warns that benzoic acid has been linked to certain cancers when taken in conjunction with ascorbic acid.

In November of 2012

The federal government and the New York Attorney General’s office did a  investigation after the Food and Drug Administration received claims that the drink 5-Hour Energy may have led to 13 deaths and 33 hospitalizations over the past now 5 years.

Sodium benzoate. Three years ago a study conducted by an expert in molecular biology and biotechnology linked the common energy drink preservative sodium benzoate to cell damage and an increase in the production of free radicals. Even more concerning, sodium benzoate in combination with vitamin C causes the potent carcinogen benzene.

Phenylalanine. Though an essential amino acid, phenylalanine is also a neurotoxin and is one of the three main ingredients which make up aspartame. Too much can excite the neurons in the brain to the point of Cellular Death.

Guarana. Guarana (or guaranine) comes from the seeds of the guarana plant, which contain up to 3 to 4 times the caffeine as coffee beans.

Ephedra. Ephedra has been described as a drug that increases heart rate and blood pressure at low doses and causes strokes, seizures, and possibly even death at high doses.

Do you still need that pick me up?
If so I bring you a safe option that has been working for me naturally.



“What Would You Do, If You Were Told That You Had So Long To Live”


That is the random question of the day. What would you want? What would you do? Where would you go? Never really thought of that huh?

I know sometimes people don’t have time to think about these things but, being here right now in this very moment we do have time to think. Really,really, think. Dig deep into your mind and feel it with all your being.

Now, once you have that thought hold it in your mind whatever it may be or how silly it may seem. Is that what you really want with all your heart? Okay, if so why are you not doing it now?

What would be stopping you or holding you back? You see my point is, is that most wait and keep pushing things back. Such as oh I will do that tomorrow or next month, year or maybe plan for 5 years from now. Then when it comes down to the end time, We will then say “I should of did this or that. Take some time to truly think about it and see what you come up with.

Start loving and living now, Would that new iphone,Fancy car,100 dollar purse, Diamond ring, make you live any longer? No. It would definitely not. I think the simple things matter. They really do. Take some time to enjoy them.

Why not now? It is just as simple as that.

Do you worry about what others think of you?


Do you worry about what others think of you?

Are you scared to really stop and listen to yourself, are you afraid of what will happen if you do?

Do you like being alone with yourself? In your mind, wrapped up in your own inner thoughts?

Do you not volunteer or get involved in anything because you are afraid of getting too involved.  Not really sure you have anything to offer? Do not have what it takes to be the best that you can be? Well, here is a answer, You have the power to do absolutely anything you want. Yes. Sometimes you have to work and train to accomplish what you wish but, you can do it!

Everyone has fears.  You are not alone.  There are two core fears, fear of failure or fear of success.  These take many names such as rejection, abandonment, not good enough,fear of failure,repeat performance.  Fear can become a phobia when we allow our mind to escalate the fear to an extremely high level.  There are so many fears which can be potential phobia’s: such as atelophobia, the fear of imperfection; or, atychiphopia, the fear of failure; or catagelophia, the fear of being ridiculed. Which we need to work on because it is you and only you nobody else. You are in charge of now.

Fear is really your reaction to something that hasn’t happened yet.  It is simply your mind trying to already predict your future.  Since the mind has limited information in regards to a certain situational outcome it cooks up the end result as it thinks will happen based on past experience.  This is important.

Why is this important?

Because past experience is controlled by your sub-conscious mind.  Your sub-conscious mind, or your feeling mind, holds all of your experiences that have become your behaviors, habits, paradigms and conditioning. 

Take control of your mind, your thoughts, think about what it is you really want and just do it!
Never second guess yourself because you will always just end up second guessing. Whatever it is just do it.

“Who Are We? Why Are We Here?


This is a question most of us ask, “Who Are We? I guess everybody will have their own opinion, such as I do. Some believe we are all here to guide eachother home, but that really doesn’t make sense to me because, I don’t believe that we were put here just to guide eachother someplace else.? I think we are here to do something much bigger than we believe in. As humans we do have powers and to some this may sound crazy, but we do. We just have to tap into our higher self, the more we become “Enlightened” it will start to reveal itself. (Find your inner guide)

What I do know is that we were not put here for collecting” Stuff”
We are told by the media and become constantly Brainwashed by subliminal ads,commercials and even through music. Pay close attention to some of these things, When you do open your eyes and mind you will begin to grasp what I’m saying.(If you want to be the life of the party, then you must get this super fly disco rocket which will make sparks shoot out of your behind for sure! Everybody will totally envy you. Yeah, I think you get the point. No,the super fly disco rocket does not exist. Well, at least I don’t think so.

We often think having certain things will make us better people, that is far from the truth. Who we are is what’s in our hearts, it is not what we wear, buy, drive, and etc it is inside us all and so many hide this and become someone else to show up or to make somebody else happy, You see you are destroying yourself when you do this because you are lying to yourself, and you are the most important part of truly finding out who you really are.(Always be yourself) If somebody doesn’t like you for who you are, I say who cares! (Stop living to appease others) You are you and that’s it, end of story.


Now my meaning of “Stuff” isn’t always physical, either. It can be dogma. We believe we must “do” this or that in order to “be” this or that. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are who we are. What we are is WHO we are. What we DO is something else entirely.

“When Life Knocks You Down”


There has been numerous time where I just wanted to throw my arms up in the air and say “I GIVE UP’! Why? Well, because it is the easiest thing on the planet to do.

It is so absolutely easy to say “oh well whatever” and just sit here like a slug until something else comes along to give up on. This takes me back to my making excuses blog.

We don’t like something we just give up or again find a excuse right? Well same goes for business and then we move onto the next and so on and so forth. Although in marketing there are some “legitimate” reasons to leave a company and start a new one, this is very true.

What I am trying to say here is if you are starting a new journey or found something new and it makes you absolutely happy, then don’t give up on it, keep pushing forward with all you got because if it excites you why quit.


Why quit anything, if it is making you absolutely happy because you never know where you will end up in it. When life knocks you down get back up and keep moving forward and follow your heart.




“Stop Making Excuses”


Have you ever made excuses for sitting around waiting for things to change and getting nowhere? With all the benefits of getting into condition, seeking desired education, training, a job, or a career change, why would you still hesitate? We hesitate because we live on excuses oh yes we do.

Why do we make excuses’? Well, because it’s so very easy to get out of thing’s and situations. When clearly we never conquer the issue at hand, we cover it up with a excuse after another like a bandage.

We then sit and wait for the next excuse, it is absolutely absurd. I know I’ve been there done that. We all have been there i’m sure.

What we must do is take full responsibility for our own actions nobody stands in our way but us. I know it sounds crazy but, if your in a situation that does not feel good, or just bringing you down CHANGE IT! If your job drags you down, people dragging you down,and etc walk away.


Of course this is not a easy task, or maybe the thought has never crossed your mind,but it can be done. Think about it, What makes you happy? What would you really wish to do? I say act upon it and the rest of what you need will surely fall into place.