Are We Programmed??


So, I listened to a a show last night on the topic of being programmed and how we are actually programmed from childhood, and some also say as early as in the womb. I highly have to agree somewhat with that information due to certain chains of events here and there.

We believe our parents and most of what people say while we are growing up, Then we grow up and make our own choices.

I see and believe sometimes without rational thought just
because it makes (sense logic reasonable understanding)
to me.

Think about it, when we talk about something that is much bigger than ourselves,we are told that can’t be done or you will never do that. We are taught in schools how to think, instead of thinking for ourselves, such as using the childs imagination which is extremely powerful I may add.

All of that is being taken away and the adolescents of today do not even have any time to just be a kid, play,or use their imagination,

Don’t you remember the time, when we were told the only way to get by was to get a education and work the rest of your life? I feel really sorry for the folks who believe this nonsense.

So, more or less the only way to survive in this life is to be a “Robot” you say? I say heck no and that just sounds completely absurd! 


The point is, we can definitely be reprogrammed. Nobody on this “GODFORSAKEN” earth is meant to be controlled by something we were told, such as “you will never” “That is impossible” “That will never happen” So, it is from those words you were told that puts fear in one’s trying to do something extraordinary.

My last words are, Do not think for one second that you were meant to be miserable, broke, and that you can’t have that new home, new car, happy life or whatever it is you think you can’t have or do.

Just always remember you have the power, we all have the power to be absolutely extraordinary!!


Do something that makes you “HAPPY” you will definitely know what it is because you will feel it radiate through your whole being.