“The Love Frequency” Vs “Energy Vampires”

The show “Manifest Your Dreams” was absolutely incredible, with special guest and Radio Host from Other World Radio Sandra D. Sabatini.

On “All Around The World Radio” We chatted about “Antennas” (Brain) Frequencies. How do our antennas work? Well we tap into them with a high frequency such as you would a radio.

When we act on joy and bliss,we will attract more joy and more bliss. The most highest frequency we can tune into is Love, Love is the highest power. You see some may say they “love” somebody but are they acting on it from the Heart? When you do acts of kindness out of love you should be doing it not to expect something in return. (From The Heart)


We also touched on “Energy Vampires” meaning people who drain you of happy positive energy. You see these people can and will do anything to turn anything into a negative, but what we did discuss was that you can prevent that as well as turn them into your frequency of absolute joy. If that does not work then it is time for you to cut ties and walk away.


It is better to walk away and keep your frequency high and keep moving forward. You see, Some people can say they are positive and post “Love and Light” images on the internet 24/7 but are they really acting on it? That we will never know because we really do not know anyone.

So my friends, we bring everything we think about into our lives, you do not have to believe me but it is true. I know manifesting does work and thoughts become things is a very true statement.


Last I want to say is, Be Careful What You Wish For, because you just might get it!

I again thank Sandra D. Sabatini for joining me on “All Around The World” Radio Today!

Listen To Manifest Your Dreams

“Manifest Your Desires”


I am so grateful to announce our special guest Sandra D Sabatini from Other World Radio on All Around The World Radio.

We have been trying to connect for awhile now playing radio host tag,and now finally we get to connect and chat about manifesting all our Dreams and Desires.

If you know anything at all about manifestation then you will know exactly what I’m talking about, as we do this everyday and not even know it. As for some they just do not realize that they are creating every second of the day. We even make creations as we sleep.

I think it is absolutely incredible how this all works and how we are connected to eachother and our beautiful universe.

The thing I do not understand is how some people can be just angry and miserable, that is such a awful way to live. We also know that stress,anger,negativity and hatred just brings more of the above to themselves.

We all highly need to understand and just think about how beautiful this life can truly be, if you appreciate your life and what’s around you. Think about it we are here, we exist on this sweet earth with so many opportunity’s.

I guess you can say I’m kinda babbling right now but, I tend to do that with this topic. I guess what I really want to say in a nutshell, Some people are awake as some are not. What I am trying to accomplish here is to try and help people push forward. We are so much bigger and powerful then what we believe, We really are!

Okay, after all this being said, I invite you to the show this Saturday 5/4/13 @ 4:30 Est Time
All around the world radio