“The Mind Is Brilliant”


Yes, our minds our absolutely brilliant! Did you know that if you silence the mind, the soul will heal the body? Yes it is so.

You see we are of Infinite Intelligence such as The “Akashic Records”, We do hold all the information of past,present and future. Can you imagine getting all the secrets unlocked as to why you feel and act the way you do and then being able to move forward in your everyday life like never before? You may not believe me and that’s okay, but this is really true. We just have to learn how to unlock this information. Once the mind is unlocked and enlightened you will definitely discover the magic in you.


I find learning to be a beautiful gift that we are given, and I know that I personally want to learn about absolutely everything there is out there to know, but hey” that’s just me. I would definitely move into the largest of libraries if I could and read every real book that I could. Now, I say “real” because nowadays everyone reads “online” if you ask my opinion on that, I think reading a whole book online actually sucks. That would take me back to the blog I just posted about going back to imagination and such. Some may say well “that’s old school” Well, it also appears to me that calling someone on the phone is old school as well. It is text messaging, Email, and etc. Like we are robots. I will never lose the natural feeling of doing things the way things should be done. That again would be not reading a book plugged into a device.


To me working a 9-5 job for somebody else is “old school”, Making someone else money is “old school” We do have the power to make those choices, it is up to you from there on. We can not make decisions for anybody but ourselves.
