“Network Marketing Stories That You Will Not Hear From Me”!

Here is a little something I must get off my chest. The thing is, is that this is the 5th email I received this week from someone being “Homeless” to Rich in 2 seconds flat!

Now, I have been in Network Marketing for quite sometime and, it seems like a majority of people lived in their “Blue Station Wagon” “Cardboard Box” Or their “One Bedroom Apartment” This is why these stories are Ironic because they are all the same stories!

Do people copy and paste these stories? How come I never hear stories from people who are already well off but do not wish to work a 9-5 Office job, or wait in traffic everyday so they invest in Network Marketing and now Work from home because they chose to?

I can assure you that yes I am a Network Marketer, My husband and I own are home and are one of the few people that are dept free. I can also assure you that we do not live in a box, Car, Nor a one bedroom apt and did not stumble across 25cents to make a phone call. So you will never hear a story about myself being “Homeless” Or living in a “Car”!

I am sure you will come across someone who actually did become very successful after being Flat Broke but on a serious note, I am sure there is not that many.

Another story that you will not hear from me is this, “I Can Teach You How To Make A Million Dollars Overnight By Selling Goldfish”!

What you will hear from me is that Network Marketing is absolutely wonderful and, it does work. No, it is not easy and does take time,patience and work. It can replace your 9-5 Job and be very life changing.

I also would like to say is, I am very happy in my Network Marketing Business. So, therefore please do not send me your stories about how your company is better than mine and that this one will make me “Filthy Rich” in 24 hours, and also please do not send me some stories about how you lived on a “Park Bench” rolled over and joined a company that you are now in and “Filthy Rich” from.

That’s really all that I have to say, oh and last thing!? When was the last time you really saw a PAYPHONE anyway!??

I am just saying it like it is, and am just a typical honest marketer that is not going to try to make sparks shoot out your behind. If you wish to know what I do click the link, if not you can move on as i wish you much Success along the way.

P.S You can also email me if you any questions at:GrabTheBerry@Gmail.com

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