“A Whole Lot Of Time Together” (Find A Mentor)


In Network Marketing you must find somebody you will enjoy working with, as well as learning from. This business is all about Relationship Marketing.”

Understand that a good mentor might have a lot going on and may not be available at the time you try to contact them but should always return your call promptly. You and your mentor are going to spend a lot of time working together over the coming years, so taking a few minutes to get to know him/her is a good thing. They must have good communication skills, be well-organized, and know how to treat others with respect.

Your network marketing success depends on it. Take your time and partner with someone that could provide MLM mentoring.

If you are ready click the link below.

-Network With Tammy-


“Cellular Death”



Energy drinks are full of this garbage and can also cause lots of damage to ones body,especially if one has Heart Problems.

Monster drinks also contain sodium benzoate, a preservative under the guise of benzoic acid in Monster Energy labels. The Center for Science in the Public Interest warns that benzoic acid has been linked to certain cancers when taken in conjunction with ascorbic acid.

In November of 2012

The federal government and the New York Attorney General’s office did a  investigation after the Food and Drug Administration received claims that the drink 5-Hour Energy may have led to 13 deaths and 33 hospitalizations over the past now 5 years.

Sodium benzoate. Three years ago a study conducted by an expert in molecular biology and biotechnology linked the common energy drink preservative sodium benzoate to cell damage and an increase in the production of free radicals. Even more concerning, sodium benzoate in combination with vitamin C causes the potent carcinogen benzene.

Phenylalanine. Though an essential amino acid, phenylalanine is also a neurotoxin and is one of the three main ingredients which make up aspartame. Too much can excite the neurons in the brain to the point of Cellular Death.

Guarana. Guarana (or guaranine) comes from the seeds of the guarana plant, which contain up to 3 to 4 times the caffeine as coffee beans.

Ephedra. Ephedra has been described as a drug that increases heart rate and blood pressure at low doses and causes strokes, seizures, and possibly even death at high doses.

Do you still need that pick me up?
If so I bring you a safe option that has been working for me naturally.



“When Life Knocks You Down”


There has been numerous time where I just wanted to throw my arms up in the air and say “I GIVE UP’! Why? Well, because it is the easiest thing on the planet to do.

It is so absolutely easy to say “oh well whatever” and just sit here like a slug until something else comes along to give up on. This takes me back to my making excuses blog.

We don’t like something we just give up or again find a excuse right? Well same goes for business and then we move onto the next and so on and so forth. Although in marketing there are some “legitimate” reasons to leave a company and start a new one, this is very true.

What I am trying to say here is if you are starting a new journey or found something new and it makes you absolutely happy, then don’t give up on it, keep pushing forward with all you got because if it excites you why quit.


Why quit anything, if it is making you absolutely happy because you never know where you will end up in it. When life knocks you down get back up and keep moving forward and follow your heart.




“Deadly Epidemic Worldwide”


I am bringing some facts on this epidemic, that is sweeping our nation and continues to spread globally.

The Center Of Disease Control says: Approximately 12.5 million of children and adolescents aged 2-19 are OBESE. <


The World Health Organization stated that there are an estimated 1.46 Billion overweight adults worldwide, and it seems to be growing. They also state that 502 Million of those are considered OBESE.

The country is facing a Deadly Epidemic and it is continuing to grow globally, as stated above.

Roughly 190 Million Americans are overweight or considered Obese and the rest of the world is starting to catch up on this deadly fad.

Now we may ask, how did this happen? Well “Fast Food is at the tips of everybody’s fingertips,to most this seems like a very easy way out, as it seems it may be so but at the same time it is also  crippling our nation.

Obesity related diseases are 147 Billion Dollar Medical Burden each year according to the Center Of Disease Control.

Fast food is available on every street corner and not to mention that every year 24,000 different foods enter the Marketplace,filled with saturated fats,preservatives,and are highly processed.

This is horrifying!” This is the cause of Obesity,Diabetes,Heart Disease, and Malnutrition. This also is a main cause of awful Sleeping Patterns and Stress Levels.


I also wish to add another issue stated by The Center Of Disease Control: It is said that this is the first Generation that parents will actually out live their Children!!

That my friends is a Horrific thought, but it is in this statement that you do have the power to fix this issue.

Children as young as 12 years of age are being diagnosed with High Blood Pressure,Studies actually show that a child has a 1in 3 chance of developing Type 2 Diabetes. Which I may add is the 7th cause of Death in The United States. <

I believe it is time to make a change, and this my friends is definitely something we can change,and absolutely should now! <

You see, the body is so amazing it can actually begin to heal itself, with the right Diet and the right Supplements you will begin to bring your Body back into perfect balance. (As it should be)

This is what will happen when you begin to lose fat:<a

1.)Migraines reduce 57%
2.) Depression -Reduces 55%
3.)Sleep Apnea-Reduces 98%
4.) Hypertension-Reduces 92%
5.)Type 2 Diabetes-Reduces 83%
6.)Gout-Reduces 77%
7.)PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome-79%
8.)Degenerative Joint Disease-76%

After all that being said, as you can see your overall LifeSpan increases.


“Why People Come Into Our Lives”


It is at every moment where someone will come into our lives, may it be for 5 minutes, weeks, months, maybe even years. We really will never know why at the moment, but as time goes by sometimes we do find out exactly why and for what.

I believe maybe that’s what you needed at the moment or what they needed. It maybe just be that one specific thing that they said, or that you said and it was like that WOW” moment that you exactly needed. Maybe even they came out of nowhere and gave you that push you needed, or motivation.

Really, we will never truly understand why,how, and for what I guess that it is just a mystery or your puzzle piece to put together. I also believe that eventually we will find that answer. You can find the answer if you look deep down hard enough. There is always a reason for everything. Well, that’s what I believe.

I also believe this blog post has nothing to do with anything, I usually blog about. It just came out as I was thinking of what to write about.. (Ironic huh?)

I do know absolutely one thing, is that the most beautiful,magnificent, wonderful friendships are made this way and can last a lifetime!


The last thing I wish to say is, not everybody is your friend. So be careful on who passes on by..other than that, enjoy the ride we call life. It is a beautiful thing to waste.


Tammy M Kessner