“Who Are We? Why Are We Here?


This is a question most of us ask, “Who Are We? I guess everybody will have their own opinion, such as I do. Some believe we are all here to guide eachother home, but that really doesn’t make sense to me because, I don’t believe that we were put here just to guide eachother someplace else.? I think we are here to do something much bigger than we believe in. As humans we do have powers and to some this may sound crazy, but we do. We just have to tap into our higher self, the more we become “Enlightened” it will start to reveal itself. (Find your inner guide)

What I do know is that we were not put here for collecting” Stuff”
We are told by the media and become constantly Brainwashed by subliminal ads,commercials and even through music. Pay close attention to some of these things, When you do open your eyes and mind you will begin to grasp what I’m saying.(If you want to be the life of the party, then you must get this super fly disco rocket which will make sparks shoot out of your behind for sure! Everybody will totally envy you. Yeah, I think you get the point. No,the super fly disco rocket does not exist. Well, at least I don’t think so.

We often think having certain things will make us better people, that is far from the truth. Who we are is what’s in our hearts, it is not what we wear, buy, drive, and etc it is inside us all and so many hide this and become someone else to show up or to make somebody else happy, You see you are destroying yourself when you do this because you are lying to yourself, and you are the most important part of truly finding out who you really are.(Always be yourself) If somebody doesn’t like you for who you are, I say who cares! (Stop living to appease others) You are you and that’s it, end of story.


Now my meaning of “Stuff” isn’t always physical, either. It can be dogma. We believe we must “do” this or that in order to “be” this or that. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are who we are. What we are is WHO we are. What we DO is something else entirely.