“Why People Come Into Our Lives”


It is at every moment where someone will come into our lives, may it be for 5 minutes, weeks, months, maybe even years. We really will never know why at the moment, but as time goes by sometimes we do find out exactly why and for what.

I believe maybe that’s what you needed at the moment or what they needed. It maybe just be that one specific thing that they said, or that you said and it was like that WOW” moment that you exactly needed. Maybe even they came out of nowhere and gave you that push you needed, or motivation.

Really, we will never truly understand why,how, and for what I guess that it is just a mystery or your puzzle piece to put together. I also believe that eventually we will find that answer. You can find the answer if you look deep down hard enough. There is always a reason for everything. Well, that’s what I believe.

I also believe this blog post has nothing to do with anything, I usually blog about. It just came out as I was thinking of what to write about.. (Ironic huh?)

I do know absolutely one thing, is that the most beautiful,magnificent, wonderful friendships are made this way and can last a lifetime!


The last thing I wish to say is, not everybody is your friend. So be careful on who passes on by..other than that, enjoy the ride we call life. It is a beautiful thing to waste.


Tammy M Kessner

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