“Why And What Of Network Marketing”

Networking is about making connections and building enduring, mutually beneficial relationships.


To understand how network marketing works, it may be helpful to think of a business model that most consumers are familiar with, franchising. In a franchise, an owner pays a company for the right to do business using that company’s products, services, and name. The parent company agrees to provide the owner with training, development, advertising and marketing support. While the name on the outside of the building is that of the parent company, the actual location is privately owned by an independent business owner.

Example: While networking marketing is not actually a franchising model of business, it does work in a similar fashion. In fact some large MLM companies refer to its business plan informally as “private franchising”. In network marketing, a company distributes its products and services through independent business owners (IBO) who in turn market these products and services to customers of their own.

Why Network Marketing

Network Marketing is the perfect vehicle for anyone open for an additional income stream. More and more financial experts are recommending Network Marketing.


Robert Kiyosaki, legendary author of the wildly bestselling (and often controversial) RICH DAD POOR DAD and its spawn of sequels, is one of the most-off-cited “mainstream” champions of network marketing..

“I came to appreciate this business as an outsider, and only after I had already built my own wealth and established my own financial freedom,” says Kiyosaki.

“All the same, if I had to do it all over again today and start from scratch, rather than building an old-style business, I would start out by building a network marketing business.”


Building a Network Marketing Business is building  an asset, a permanent asset that lasts next year 5 years 10 years and longer and can  leave a legacy for your family or charity.

“Start Living Your Legacy”

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