“Do People Today Have No Emotion”!?


Do people today have no emotion whatsoever or have any respect for other beings? I had to ask because as a Network Marketer, and Personal Assistant for a actor I am online quite a bit. So therefore I come across several posts/ comments that are just extremely unbelievable!

Why do people have to put in their 2 cents where it does not even belong. The comments I see under You Tube videos just drives me absolutely crazy. People saying “oh this sucks and that sucks then you have people fighting with eachother under the videos, but it even has nothing to do with the video at all!

My question is, do people really sit around all day just troll people? Is that their mission and calling for everyday life? What kind of existence is that? If you don’t like something then why are you even reading and watching the stuff?

Today I came across the ultimate low! I mean I never came across anything like this in my years online!

Underneath a news article about a man who was shot for no reason at all, It then goes on about him and his Fiance and it continues. The point is, is that he is now dead and there was a comment underneath this article, The comment that forced me to write this.

Could a Marketer get anymore Lower than this!? I will not even call them a marketer, I will keep what I would call them to myself.
Anyways, what they said underneath this tragic story was.

My Aunt makes X amount of money doing blank,blank,blank, I will show you how”! (ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?)

That was just absolutely down right LOW! I just have no words for it at all. How could one use such a place and moment for MARKETING!! (Self absorbed!)

If you are that type of marketer that has to go around spamming everyone and everything about your business then You are just a straight up tool! I will also let you in on a little secret. No, never mind I won’t it is not worth it. There is a time and a place for marketing, other than that keep your GARBAGE to YOURSELF!

That is all for now, I just had to get that out there. 

“The Silent Killer”

If you have any of these symptoms such as you’re Overweight,Often Fatigued,Memory problems, finding it hard to focus,Mood swings, or you have high LDL cholesterol, then you have or could possibly have something called “Chronic Inflammation”


There is definitely a way to fix and prevent this issue and that would be starting a Omega supplement.

Now, I will begin by telling you that I just discovered something so horrifying and that is most Omega supplements found in our stores are far from good at all! They even eat through Styrofoam cups when opened and poured into them! I was shocked to find this out but of course not really surprised.

They also give inadequate amounts so therefore your throwing away 70% of your investment into the garbage.

You may ask why they do such things, Well it is cheaper to produce and also the U.S government does not require labeling. “Go Figure!”

The reason why I called it a “Silent Killer” is because you do not know if you have Chronic Inflammation, there is no pain, or any warning signs for this. The only sign is a Heart Attack out of nowhere. If you ask me I think that is absolutely rather scary.


What is the cause of this “Chronic Inflammation” (Silent Killer) Well for starters it is the Stress of the daily grind, such as stuck in traffic, work situations and etc. The other is The Western Diet which leads to
Obesity, Type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance. The last one is Environmental which is toxic air, pesticides, harmful chemicals that is found in plastics,perfume and makeup.

So, therefore all of the above increase the storage to more body fat leading to even more chronic inflammation. Last to mention is the body does not produce Omegas, So we must all be taking them in the most absorbent form.
“Learn More Here”

“The Flow Of Life”


Water is the most amazing thing on our planet, it is absolutely refreshing but yet so very powerful,it heals us, but yet can also destroy us. Such perfect balance i’d say.

As human beings we all have a light and dark side in all of us it is just a matter of which side you choose to give your precious energy to. Why feed into negativity, when you can gain so much from just accepting and moving on. We get angry and upset over things that we can’t control and then the body gets weakened by all the stress and anger that we can not do anything about anyway.

What I am trying to say here is, please don’t feed into anger,stress,and unhappiness if you really don’t have to. I can not stress enough that life is way to short, it really,really, is. I seen so many people on their death bed wishing they did things so differently, and we do not think about that stuff now because we are not in that position yet.

I myself was on the death bed, I actually died and was lucky enough to back, did I think for a second ever that I was going to actually die anytime soon? No I did not. You see so many live on a schedule day by day by day and so on. It really saddens me to see such. Well, unless they are extremely happy people that may enjoy that.

I think we should all take some time and just flow, flow like water, like we are supposed to, take some time and think in absolute silence. We get so caught up with the daily grind that we forget actually who we are, and why we are here in the first place. Free yourself, free your mind and just set yourself absolutely free for awhile, and when you are done just sit back some more and enjoy it.


Life is a absolute treasure, a gift we have been given. Do with it what you wish, but please never take it for granted. Take a deep breath and really look around you.


That is all for Today…

“The Mind Is Brilliant”


Yes, our minds our absolutely brilliant! Did you know that if you silence the mind, the soul will heal the body? Yes it is so.

You see we are of Infinite Intelligence such as The “Akashic Records”, We do hold all the information of past,present and future. Can you imagine getting all the secrets unlocked as to why you feel and act the way you do and then being able to move forward in your everyday life like never before? You may not believe me and that’s okay, but this is really true. We just have to learn how to unlock this information. Once the mind is unlocked and enlightened you will definitely discover the magic in you.


I find learning to be a beautiful gift that we are given, and I know that I personally want to learn about absolutely everything there is out there to know, but hey” that’s just me. I would definitely move into the largest of libraries if I could and read every real book that I could. Now, I say “real” because nowadays everyone reads “online” if you ask my opinion on that, I think reading a whole book online actually sucks. That would take me back to the blog I just posted about going back to imagination and such. Some may say well “that’s old school” Well, it also appears to me that calling someone on the phone is old school as well. It is text messaging, Email, and etc. Like we are robots. I will never lose the natural feeling of doing things the way things should be done. That again would be not reading a book plugged into a device.


To me working a 9-5 job for somebody else is “old school”, Making someone else money is “old school” We do have the power to make those choices, it is up to you from there on. We can not make decisions for anybody but ourselves.


“The Love Frequency” Vs “Energy Vampires”

The show “Manifest Your Dreams” was absolutely incredible, with special guest and Radio Host from Other World Radio Sandra D. Sabatini.

On “All Around The World Radio” We chatted about “Antennas” (Brain) Frequencies. How do our antennas work? Well we tap into them with a high frequency such as you would a radio.

When we act on joy and bliss,we will attract more joy and more bliss. The most highest frequency we can tune into is Love, Love is the highest power. You see some may say they “love” somebody but are they acting on it from the Heart? When you do acts of kindness out of love you should be doing it not to expect something in return. (From The Heart)


We also touched on “Energy Vampires” meaning people who drain you of happy positive energy. You see these people can and will do anything to turn anything into a negative, but what we did discuss was that you can prevent that as well as turn them into your frequency of absolute joy. If that does not work then it is time for you to cut ties and walk away.


It is better to walk away and keep your frequency high and keep moving forward. You see, Some people can say they are positive and post “Love and Light” images on the internet 24/7 but are they really acting on it? That we will never know because we really do not know anyone.

So my friends, we bring everything we think about into our lives, you do not have to believe me but it is true. I know manifesting does work and thoughts become things is a very true statement.


Last I want to say is, Be Careful What You Wish For, because you just might get it!

I again thank Sandra D. Sabatini for joining me on “All Around The World” Radio Today!

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