“Who Is Network Marketing For”?

Obviously, Network Marketing is not for everyone. Well, some say it is for everyone but, that is not true at all.

Most can not grasp or handle the whole idea of running their own show (business) or working for themselves programmed to make someone else rich.

So most go to school to learn how to be employed, Spend their days looking for a company to employ them and then finally work until they retire. If you ask me I will clearly tell you that there is something definitely wrong with that picture.

The worst part is after all those years when it’s finally time to retire you realize you can’t retire comfortably so you keep working.


In Eric Worre’s book “Go Pro” “7 Steps To Being A Network Marketing Professional” He hit on quite a few things that made perfect sense. Such as jobs only paying on Performance like some already do now. Eric then explains on the topic in detail such as Blockbuster for example, We used to go into our local Blockbuster and rent movies where several were employed but not anymore because, now we can watch movies right on our Handheld devices with just one push of a button.

We would call a customer service help line and speak to a regular everyday person, Well now service has been taken over by a machine. Do you now know what I am saying? Eventually more and more jobs will be like this, or you will just be paid on the performance level of what you accomplished in such a time period.

Most think “Network Marketing” is crazy now but wait until some more companies start joining the trend of Networking because, it will be a less expensive way to get their products out on the Market with thousands of distributors around the world benefiting from this as well. You see, they will be able to cut costs in many ways like paying on performance, less company advertising and more to pay their active distributors that are now working from the comfort of their own homes.

Eric Worre than goes on to say ” You must accept temporary loss of social esteem from ignorant people” What does he mean by that you ask”? This is what he is saying and it holds true to all of us Network Marketers out there.

This means you need to embrace the temporary loss of social esteem of ignorant people, means “YOU” are seeing the future before it shows itself to everybody else. “YOU” are taking action to live a better life. Which then means “YOU” are the smart one.

The people who think less of you are the ones that are stuck in their old ways and hold the belief of their way is the only way, Unless they decide to change that belief and get educated on “Network Marketing” and observe the ones who dare to do things differently and succeed. If not, they will always be stuck in that side of fear and only see life as it is.

I also recommend reading Eric Worres book. “Go Pro” you will be glad you did.

Work With Tammy


“Why Only The Holiday Season”?


Yes, I ask why only the “Holiday Season”? What I mean by this is, Why do most bring out the Love and Compassion meter out only this time of year?

All year it is tucked away without no thought about what is happening around the world only what is happening with ourselves, such as waiting in traffic, wants, needs, what we can purchase to make us feel better and so forth.

Most do not know what is going on until it hits us right in the face from a disaster that has happened. For example we have the recent storm in the Philippine’s and so on.

Now, put yourself in their shoes right now and then think about something to complain about. How are their Holidays going to be? Then think about” You” is it as bad as you thought?

Some of our daily aggravations are just simply petty, they really are. How about the wants? Look around you and think. Is there anything around you that you could not survive without?

Right now this very second there are children starving, drinking water that will eventually kill them but yet we throw away bottles of water, dump them down the drains. Most consume way more then they should. This really saddens me.


Here we have a “OBESE” issue while others are starving to death. Most do not even think about that while they are consuming more than they should. I am not saying starve yourself nor cut yourself short, just take a moment to think while doing, while consuming.

The changes in this world must and have to start right here, with us, one person at a time.


-Water For Life Foundation-




“Pure Bliss” (SozoLife-Growing Demand)

“A Sozo Life is a Happy Life”


Growing Demand

Currently, soft drink sales are declining, and the demand for nutritional beverages (drinks that offer a health benefit) is Increasing Rapidly.

So clearly this is one reason why you should look into this beverage. Not just for the health reasons but, also for the fantastic opportunity we have here at Coffee Berry.

If you are a “Coffee Lover, Energy Drinker, Health Conscious, or maybe just one for business, then you are at the right place and at the right time.

The point is, We are more than just Coffee.. Come on and see for yourself. Click me… or watch the 12 minute Presentation.


“Stop Being So Negative”


Being positive is looked upon somewhat negatively these days. People who are too positive seem strange to the average person who rides the roller coaster of feelings. However, it is my belief that if we are to live both abundant and fulfilling lives, we must learn how to stop being negative. It seems everything turns into a negative situation.

Although if we did not know Negative we would not know what positive was, and if we didn’t have sadness we would never have happiness, so therefore we need perfect balance.


Sure not everyone is going to walk around with a huge smile on their face and skip down the road, that would mean the end of the world was coming, or a really freaky horror movie so it would seem.

So, statistics show that optimistic people are the most successful and this is probably because they are more likely to take risks and go for their dreams. To stop being negative, we need to start by gaining control of our mind our everyday thoughts. Start writing down what you love about yourself and others.

Smile upon waking, listen to a song that will start your day off beautiful, Don’t already plan the next day by saying “oh tomorrow is going to totally suck, or uhhhhg I have to go here tomorrow. You have to do whatever it is that you need to do anyway right?


Why not do it with a smile on your face and just be happy you can do it, because there are people that cannot. Always remember there is someone in a worse off spot than you are.





You should create a business plan, just like you would with any business. Determine things like how you will market your business and what your goals are. Utilize proven marketing strategies such as social media and online marketing, cold calling and business networking.

The Next thing that is extremely important is to BE A LEADER!

The people who are the most successful at network marketing like working with people and helping them. Many people have a misconception that the focus is on selling products. Although it is a key component, the real money is made by recruiting people, or building a downline.

The better your downline does, the more money you make. As you create a downline, you want to make sure that you’re doing everything possible to assist and develop your team, setting them up for success.

 Know Your Products!

You should be an expert on your products, always working to expand your knowledge. Read all current educational materials on your products and stay on top of all new educational materials put out by your company.

Last but not least is know your why!!

-Join Tammy-


“What Is ORAC”?


Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) is a measurement of a food or product’s ability to fight disease-causing free radicals. 

The greater the amount of natural antioxidants (free-radical scavengers), the higher the ORAC score. 

Brunswick Labs is the most recognized global organization that determines ORAC value.

We here at Sozo have the highest in ORAC.

“Trust In The Universe”


In all walk’s of life there is a great Leader, Whoever it may be or who it is that you wish to follow. Whatever your goal’s may be, or how far you want to go, It all starts with a thought and a vision and you must have true belief that you are going to reach it. It all come’s down to your deepest awareness and intention.

When you reach the deepest level of awareness the forces of nature will support you.

When you wish for something,Do you hold that thought in your consciousness, or do you just make your wish and walk away without having any belief whatsoever? Whatever it may be it must be true to you, You must really want it. Follow the path that lead’s you every step of the way and if that path doe’s not feel good deep down than that path is not for you. Trust in the Universe to bring you the result’s and let it go because what you truly want will remain in your consciousness. Do not trade your present for the future and in hopes wishing for rest year’s later, That will only lead to chaos situation’s as well as massive amount’s of stress. I am not saying not to take action towards your mission because you MUST take action for your intention, But you must do it with a peaceful mind. You do not have to struggle or spend day’s, month’s or year’s to reach your goals, But you must work threw your soul and when you do that your vision will arise.

With deepest of heart, soul, vision and feeling with your whole being and for the greater good, I assure you it will all come to you.

You may have setback’s along the way, I insist you not let them bring you down.

Just be persistent and keep on going with LOVE for what you are doing and with pure intention!

-What Fuels You?


“Enlightenment And Greed”! (JUST LET GO)

Enlightenment is like wild horses running free with spirit and soul.


They have patience and with patience you achieve kindness and with kindness you achieve love you are content, content with yourself and life itself, You then are able to open your heart to the world and life around you, you start to see and set yourself free!

Free from Greed, Hatred, Ignorance, and Envy, once you are free from all of that is when you are truly Enlightened and at peace with yourself and others.

Take a long look around and take in everything that goes on in our world, our schools and right in front of our own noses! Children and their families lose their homes while other children complain about not getting enough for Christmas or how they did not get that 90 dollar pair of jeans, iPhone etc.

We are raising are children to be wasteful and greedy that’s so sad because so many many children can not even eat today!


We live in these huge houses and drive nice cars as a status symbol. Really? Do you really like the car you drive are you comfortable in the clothes you wear? I have a lifted jeep with a huge sticker on the hood! Why? because I like it. Not because my friends like it or I have to impress everyone. What I’m trying to say is do what you feels is right not what someone else feels or what they may think of you. I work from home and you always here people say “Oh that could never be done! “You have to work for the man 9-5 and make him rich! Yeah right! Fat chance I say!

You must be happy now with what you have because if you are not no amount of money or friends in the world will work.

Be happy in your own skin not in others or live in fear of what people may think or say about you. Live your own life and be your own boss, lose the fear and people telling you that you can not do it and say don’t you think everyone would be doing it? The answer is NO!! They do not try and they do not have any belief that they can, they were always told the sky was blue well to them the sky always will be blue because someone else told them so!

“Work With Tammy”




Sozo Life has the “ Best in Class” products for health & wellness. Sozo pays for your Health, Dental, Vision AND Life insurance!

No other Company goes through this great extent to make their Distributors comfortable. Here at Sozo the Distributors are top priority.

SOZO is also  the company name for a best in class coffee that has the coffee berry there is no other coffee like it! (No Doubt)


Last, Sozo is Best In Class for patented products,management, compensation,health,benefits, car allowance, mortgage allowance and Team! Period. End of Story!

Sozo speaks for itself“!


“Why Whole Foods”? ( Why I Stayed With Sozo)


Vitamins and Multivitamins DO NOT heal the body. Vitamins and multivitamins are not foods. In fact, they are a collection of chemicals.

Over the years, food science researchers have identified a great number of important food substances that are far more important than vitamins or minerals!

This amazing discovery explains why vitamin and mineral pills just do not work as well as whole foods and whole food supplements.


Foods heal illness, provide our cells with energy, prevent disease and build our immunity. Only whole, natural foods have this life-supporting power. Not vitamins, not multivitamins and not drugs. Whether you are suffering from a common cold, arthritis, asthma, heart disease, cancer, mouth sores, diabetes, prostate problems, PMS, osteoporosis, joint pain, headaches, back pain or any other symptom or disease, you absolutely need the full range of nutrients that are only found in nature’s real, whole, pure foods!


The main focus of this is, Why swallow a handful of Vitamins that are not really doing anything but making you feel accomplished??

If you are a Coffee drinker or a Juice lover than why not get your nutrition from your morning cup of coffee, or three ounce cup of juice.

It is just as simple as that, all wrapped in a nutshell.


It is simply the most comprehensive, 100% natural, wide-range healthy beverage you can get. One three-ounce serving of SoZo’s Nutritional Beverage a day provides the approximate antioxidant capacity of 21 servings of fruits and vegetables.

                 “WHOLE FOODS”