“Our Distributors Come Before All Else.”


One of the risks of being self-employed is that obtaining health benefits is very expensive. If you have a home-based business and your spouse doesn’t work for a company that provides health benefits, then you’re probably part of the over 40 Million people in the US who go without health insurance.

It is very unlikely for someone to be receiving health benefits through a self proprietorship, but it’s even more unlikely heard of someone to receive  health benefits through multi-level marketing. I’d never heard of a multi-level marketing business offering something like this ever in my years of marketing, Well, until I stumbled across SoZo.


They offer full medical, dental and vision benefits, and even life insurance, for you and your entire family. On top of that, they offer network discounts, prescription savings, 24/7 access to behavioral health care, and additional medical discounts.

The higher your rank, the lower your out-of-pocket costs. As you grow your business, you can also enjoy car bonuses – you don’t have to rank that high for this – along with lifestyle and home payment bonuses.


By doing this, SoZo is creating a new industry standard. It speaks to their integrity. They’re showing that they’re deeply invested in taking care of their distributors and their families. It’s not surprising that above the door of SoZo corporate office hangs a banner that reads: “Our distributors come before all else.”


-Work With Tammy-

“Enlightenment And Greed”! (JUST LET GO)

Enlightenment is like wild horses running free with spirit and soul.


They have patience and with patience you achieve kindness and with kindness you achieve love you are content, content with yourself and life itself, You then are able to open your heart to the world and life around you, you start to see and set yourself free!

Free from Greed, Hatred, Ignorance, and Envy, once you are free from all of that is when you are truly Enlightened and at peace with yourself and others.

Take a long look around and take in everything that goes on in our world, our schools and right in front of our own noses! Children and their families lose their homes while other children complain about not getting enough for Christmas or how they did not get that 90 dollar pair of jeans, iPhone etc.

We are raising are children to be wasteful and greedy that’s so sad because so many many children can not even eat today!


We live in these huge houses and drive nice cars as a status symbol. Really? Do you really like the car you drive are you comfortable in the clothes you wear? I have a lifted jeep with a huge sticker on the hood! Why? because I like it. Not because my friends like it or I have to impress everyone. What I’m trying to say is do what you feels is right not what someone else feels or what they may think of you. I work from home and you always here people say “Oh that could never be done! “You have to work for the man 9-5 and make him rich! Yeah right! Fat chance I say!

You must be happy now with what you have because if you are not no amount of money or friends in the world will work.

Be happy in your own skin not in others or live in fear of what people may think or say about you. Live your own life and be your own boss, lose the fear and people telling you that you can not do it and say don’t you think everyone would be doing it? The answer is NO!! They do not try and they do not have any belief that they can, they were always told the sky was blue well to them the sky always will be blue because someone else told them so!

“Work With Tammy”


“What Would You Do, If You Were Told That You Had So Long To Live”


That is the random question of the day. What would you want? What would you do? Where would you go? Never really thought of that huh?

I know sometimes people don’t have time to think about these things but, being here right now in this very moment we do have time to think. Really,really, think. Dig deep into your mind and feel it with all your being.

Now, once you have that thought hold it in your mind whatever it may be or how silly it may seem. Is that what you really want with all your heart? Okay, if so why are you not doing it now?

What would be stopping you or holding you back? You see my point is, is that most wait and keep pushing things back. Such as oh I will do that tomorrow or next month, year or maybe plan for 5 years from now. Then when it comes down to the end time, We will then say “I should of did this or that. Take some time to truly think about it and see what you come up with.

Start loving and living now, Would that new iphone,Fancy car,100 dollar purse, Diamond ring, make you live any longer? No. It would definitely not. I think the simple things matter. They really do. Take some time to enjoy them.

Why not now? It is just as simple as that.

Do you worry about what others think of you?


Do you worry about what others think of you?

Are you scared to really stop and listen to yourself, are you afraid of what will happen if you do?

Do you like being alone with yourself? In your mind, wrapped up in your own inner thoughts?

Do you not volunteer or get involved in anything because you are afraid of getting too involved.  Not really sure you have anything to offer? Do not have what it takes to be the best that you can be? Well, here is a answer, You have the power to do absolutely anything you want. Yes. Sometimes you have to work and train to accomplish what you wish but, you can do it!

Everyone has fears.  You are not alone.  There are two core fears, fear of failure or fear of success.  These take many names such as rejection, abandonment, not good enough,fear of failure,repeat performance.  Fear can become a phobia when we allow our mind to escalate the fear to an extremely high level.  There are so many fears which can be potential phobia’s: such as atelophobia, the fear of imperfection; or, atychiphopia, the fear of failure; or catagelophia, the fear of being ridiculed. Which we need to work on because it is you and only you nobody else. You are in charge of now.

Fear is really your reaction to something that hasn’t happened yet.  It is simply your mind trying to already predict your future.  Since the mind has limited information in regards to a certain situational outcome it cooks up the end result as it thinks will happen based on past experience.  This is important.

Why is this important?

Because past experience is controlled by your sub-conscious mind.  Your sub-conscious mind, or your feeling mind, holds all of your experiences that have become your behaviors, habits, paradigms and conditioning. 

Take control of your mind, your thoughts, think about what it is you really want and just do it!
Never second guess yourself because you will always just end up second guessing. Whatever it is just do it.

“Who Are We? Why Are We Here?


This is a question most of us ask, “Who Are We? I guess everybody will have their own opinion, such as I do. Some believe we are all here to guide eachother home, but that really doesn’t make sense to me because, I don’t believe that we were put here just to guide eachother someplace else.? I think we are here to do something much bigger than we believe in. As humans we do have powers and to some this may sound crazy, but we do. We just have to tap into our higher self, the more we become “Enlightened” it will start to reveal itself. (Find your inner guide)

What I do know is that we were not put here for collecting” Stuff”
We are told by the media and become constantly Brainwashed by subliminal ads,commercials and even through music. Pay close attention to some of these things, When you do open your eyes and mind you will begin to grasp what I’m saying.(If you want to be the life of the party, then you must get this super fly disco rocket which will make sparks shoot out of your behind for sure! Everybody will totally envy you. Yeah, I think you get the point. No,the super fly disco rocket does not exist. Well, at least I don’t think so.

We often think having certain things will make us better people, that is far from the truth. Who we are is what’s in our hearts, it is not what we wear, buy, drive, and etc it is inside us all and so many hide this and become someone else to show up or to make somebody else happy, You see you are destroying yourself when you do this because you are lying to yourself, and you are the most important part of truly finding out who you really are.(Always be yourself) If somebody doesn’t like you for who you are, I say who cares! (Stop living to appease others) You are you and that’s it, end of story.


Now my meaning of “Stuff” isn’t always physical, either. It can be dogma. We believe we must “do” this or that in order to “be” this or that. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are who we are. What we are is WHO we are. What we DO is something else entirely.

“Mind In A Box Wrapped In Chains”


So many people live inside a box,a mind in chains sort a speak. We are all taught to bow down to one thing and no other. We are told the sky is blue since day one, but is it?
How can we be told to just believe in one thing and one way? Our beliefs are different and we fight and argue with each other because they don’t agree with us or see it our way. Well, who the heck says anyone has to believe what I or you believe? Who says!?

Some people believe in Angels, Spirits, Demons,Aliens, and UFOs. So what! Do people not believe in thing’s because of fear of the Unknown? Or maybe because they can’t see it. I feel that we don’t see any of the things we are told to believe in so what’s the difference between a Alien and other things we do not see?


I believe in all of the above and it does not mean I have to follow or pick just one. The whole idea of the unknown is actually what makes everything so magical and mystical, So if I did see a Alien or a UFO it would blow that kid like feeling of having this mystical belief. The feeling of the Unknown would be gone.

To me just focusing on one thing everyday and every second my life would be like never learning how to walk straight, and It would be like walking in circles all day long.

I accept everyone’s belief and have no judgment at all with any of it. So, therefore why bash somebody else’s belief and say yours in the only way?

This is mostly because some people think that they are better than the next and has to be in other people’s business. We just need to start focusing on ourselves and stop disturbing other people.


We all have our opinions and beliefs love to share it with other’s and if they don’t believe in it who cares. After all that being said, Yes I do have a open mind for absolutely everything. Why? Well, because like I said we see none of it and only go by what we were told. I chose to change that and keep my mind and eyes opened just a little bit wider.

“Stop Making Excuses”


Have you ever made excuses for sitting around waiting for things to change and getting nowhere? With all the benefits of getting into condition, seeking desired education, training, a job, or a career change, why would you still hesitate? We hesitate because we live on excuses oh yes we do.

Why do we make excuses’? Well, because it’s so very easy to get out of thing’s and situations. When clearly we never conquer the issue at hand, we cover it up with a excuse after another like a bandage.

We then sit and wait for the next excuse, it is absolutely absurd. I know I’ve been there done that. We all have been there i’m sure.

What we must do is take full responsibility for our own actions nobody stands in our way but us. I know it sounds crazy but, if your in a situation that does not feel good, or just bringing you down CHANGE IT! If your job drags you down, people dragging you down,and etc walk away.


Of course this is not a easy task, or maybe the thought has never crossed your mind,but it can be done. Think about it, What makes you happy? What would you really wish to do? I say act upon it and the rest of what you need will surely fall into place.

“The Flow Of Life”


Water is the most amazing thing on our planet, it is absolutely refreshing but yet so very powerful,it heals us, but yet can also destroy us. Such perfect balance i’d say.

As human beings we all have a light and dark side in all of us it is just a matter of which side you choose to give your precious energy to. Why feed into negativity, when you can gain so much from just accepting and moving on. We get angry and upset over things that we can’t control and then the body gets weakened by all the stress and anger that we can not do anything about anyway.

What I am trying to say here is, please don’t feed into anger,stress,and unhappiness if you really don’t have to. I can not stress enough that life is way to short, it really,really, is. I seen so many people on their death bed wishing they did things so differently, and we do not think about that stuff now because we are not in that position yet.

I myself was on the death bed, I actually died and was lucky enough to back, did I think for a second ever that I was going to actually die anytime soon? No I did not. You see so many live on a schedule day by day by day and so on. It really saddens me to see such. Well, unless they are extremely happy people that may enjoy that.

I think we should all take some time and just flow, flow like water, like we are supposed to, take some time and think in absolute silence. We get so caught up with the daily grind that we forget actually who we are, and why we are here in the first place. Free yourself, free your mind and just set yourself absolutely free for awhile, and when you are done just sit back some more and enjoy it.


Life is a absolute treasure, a gift we have been given. Do with it what you wish, but please never take it for granted. Take a deep breath and really look around you.


That is all for Today…

“The Mind Is Brilliant”


Yes, our minds our absolutely brilliant! Did you know that if you silence the mind, the soul will heal the body? Yes it is so.

You see we are of Infinite Intelligence such as The “Akashic Records”, We do hold all the information of past,present and future. Can you imagine getting all the secrets unlocked as to why you feel and act the way you do and then being able to move forward in your everyday life like never before? You may not believe me and that’s okay, but this is really true. We just have to learn how to unlock this information. Once the mind is unlocked and enlightened you will definitely discover the magic in you.


I find learning to be a beautiful gift that we are given, and I know that I personally want to learn about absolutely everything there is out there to know, but hey” that’s just me. I would definitely move into the largest of libraries if I could and read every real book that I could. Now, I say “real” because nowadays everyone reads “online” if you ask my opinion on that, I think reading a whole book online actually sucks. That would take me back to the blog I just posted about going back to imagination and such. Some may say well “that’s old school” Well, it also appears to me that calling someone on the phone is old school as well. It is text messaging, Email, and etc. Like we are robots. I will never lose the natural feeling of doing things the way things should be done. That again would be not reading a book plugged into a device.


To me working a 9-5 job for somebody else is “old school”, Making someone else money is “old school” We do have the power to make those choices, it is up to you from there on. We can not make decisions for anybody but ourselves.
