“Why And What Of Network Marketing”

Networking is about making connections and building enduring, mutually beneficial relationships.


To understand how network marketing works, it may be helpful to think of a business model that most consumers are familiar with, franchising. In a franchise, an owner pays a company for the right to do business using that company’s products, services, and name. The parent company agrees to provide the owner with training, development, advertising and marketing support. While the name on the outside of the building is that of the parent company, the actual location is privately owned by an independent business owner.

Example: While networking marketing is not actually a franchising model of business, it does work in a similar fashion. In fact some large MLM companies refer to its business plan informally as “private franchising”. In network marketing, a company distributes its products and services through independent business owners (IBO) who in turn market these products and services to customers of their own.

Why Network Marketing

Network Marketing is the perfect vehicle for anyone open for an additional income stream. More and more financial experts are recommending Network Marketing.


Robert Kiyosaki, legendary author of the wildly bestselling (and often controversial) RICH DAD POOR DAD and its spawn of sequels, is one of the most-off-cited “mainstream” champions of network marketing..

“I came to appreciate this business as an outsider, and only after I had already built my own wealth and established my own financial freedom,” says Kiyosaki.

“All the same, if I had to do it all over again today and start from scratch, rather than building an old-style business, I would start out by building a network marketing business.”


Building a Network Marketing Business is building  an asset, a permanent asset that lasts next year 5 years 10 years and longer and can  leave a legacy for your family or charity.

“Start Living Your Legacy”

“The Flow Of Life”


Water is the most amazing thing on our planet, it is absolutely refreshing but yet so very powerful,it heals us, but yet can also destroy us. Such perfect balance i’d say.

As human beings we all have a light and dark side in all of us it is just a matter of which side you choose to give your precious energy to. Why feed into negativity, when you can gain so much from just accepting and moving on. We get angry and upset over things that we can’t control and then the body gets weakened by all the stress and anger that we can not do anything about anyway.

What I am trying to say here is, please don’t feed into anger,stress,and unhappiness if you really don’t have to. I can not stress enough that life is way to short, it really,really, is. I seen so many people on their death bed wishing they did things so differently, and we do not think about that stuff now because we are not in that position yet.

I myself was on the death bed, I actually died and was lucky enough to back, did I think for a second ever that I was going to actually die anytime soon? No I did not. You see so many live on a schedule day by day by day and so on. It really saddens me to see such. Well, unless they are extremely happy people that may enjoy that.

I think we should all take some time and just flow, flow like water, like we are supposed to, take some time and think in absolute silence. We get so caught up with the daily grind that we forget actually who we are, and why we are here in the first place. Free yourself, free your mind and just set yourself absolutely free for awhile, and when you are done just sit back some more and enjoy it.


Life is a absolute treasure, a gift we have been given. Do with it what you wish, but please never take it for granted. Take a deep breath and really look around you.


That is all for Today…

“Times Ticking”


I just want to start off by saying, Do we even know or think about how much time we waste on the internet?

Yes, we all are very guilty of it I’m sure,as some have specific reason for doing so, such as us Network Marketers and so many other groups and Organizations as well.

We also don’t even realize how fast time passes especially when we are online, we start to lose the feeling of the world outside as well as many other important things in life.


When I go out all I see are people’s necks slouching over into their I-Phones, Tablets, Laptops, I can only imagine what the health issues will become of in the future considering that the eyes are focused on a screen as well as neck issues because nobody stands up straight anymore.

I am not saying for everybody to stop what they do, but to at least recognize the outside reality for awhile. If it is not a life or death situation then put it aside for awhile.

We can also believe we know everybody we talk to online and say they are our “friends” yes to a extent. We do not truly know how they are behind closed doors.

As we all know life moves fast, do we really want to be spending it online 24 hours a day? Just take a break here and there and realize life is really truly out there.


Well, that’s all I have for now..

Are We Programmed??


So, I listened to a a show last night on the topic of being programmed and how we are actually programmed from childhood, and some also say as early as in the womb. I highly have to agree somewhat with that information due to certain chains of events here and there.

We believe our parents and most of what people say while we are growing up, Then we grow up and make our own choices.

I see and believe sometimes without rational thought just
because it makes (sense logic reasonable understanding)
to me.

Think about it, when we talk about something that is much bigger than ourselves,we are told that can’t be done or you will never do that. We are taught in schools how to think, instead of thinking for ourselves, such as using the childs imagination which is extremely powerful I may add.

All of that is being taken away and the adolescents of today do not even have any time to just be a kid, play,or use their imagination,

Don’t you remember the time, when we were told the only way to get by was to get a education and work the rest of your life? I feel really sorry for the folks who believe this nonsense.

So, more or less the only way to survive in this life is to be a “Robot” you say? I say heck no and that just sounds completely absurd! 


The point is, we can definitely be reprogrammed. Nobody on this “GODFORSAKEN” earth is meant to be controlled by something we were told, such as “you will never” “That is impossible” “That will never happen” So, it is from those words you were told that puts fear in one’s trying to do something extraordinary.

My last words are, Do not think for one second that you were meant to be miserable, broke, and that you can’t have that new home, new car, happy life or whatever it is you think you can’t have or do.

Just always remember you have the power, we all have the power to be absolutely extraordinary!!


Do something that makes you “HAPPY” you will definitely know what it is because you will feel it radiate through your whole being.