“The Miserable Person, With A Fake Smile”


Many of us have had this thought cross our minds on a regular basis, followed immediately by the desperate feeling of believing we can’t do anything to change our situation. If you’ are trapped in the “Hamster Wheel” “the daily routine      of ““I’m quitting my job”, Wait I can’t quit my job”””Oh! whatever am I gonna do”?  Then you go about your day as one miserable person or walk around with a fake smile on your face.

Well, whatever it is you can change it, but you do not have to take my word for it at all. You must listen to your inner self on what you should really do. What you always wanted to do just think you can! Do not ever down yourself and say “well, I will never be able to do this or that! Do not ever question yourself.

So many give up on things to fast, and some do not even try! I know myself will never stay on the ground when something knocks me down. As I have been there so many times. I can say that I am still here and moving forward.

You see, if you are not happy and just coast throughout the day dragging your feet just to make it, I must say that is just not the way life should be lived. Change your situation. Weather you join me in business or not that choice is all up to you.

I am just here to give you the information and the key to change your health,weight loss, or finances, no matter what it may be. I will make sure I am there every step of the way.

The last thing is, Why would you work at a “job” just to make somebody else rich and happy?
Life is about making you “Happy, You spending time with family and friends, or taking that vacation you always wanted and returning home if you choose to, or maybe you just want to sit at home, enjoy your pool. I know I sure do.


The moral of this here is, it is not about me here, it is about you, your life, Your wants, Your goals and how we can work together to get you to where you want to be.

Click the link for more information.
“Is Ariix Right For Me”? Or maybe it is your Health/weight loss you want. Health,Detox,weight loss,water system,shakes,

“Deadly Epidemic Worldwide”


I am bringing some facts on this epidemic, that is sweeping our nation and continues to spread globally.

The Center Of Disease Control says: Approximately 12.5 million of children and adolescents aged 2-19 are OBESE. <


The World Health Organization stated that there are an estimated 1.46 Billion overweight adults worldwide, and it seems to be growing. They also state that 502 Million of those are considered OBESE.

The country is facing a Deadly Epidemic and it is continuing to grow globally, as stated above.

Roughly 190 Million Americans are overweight or considered Obese and the rest of the world is starting to catch up on this deadly fad.

Now we may ask, how did this happen? Well “Fast Food is at the tips of everybody’s fingertips,to most this seems like a very easy way out, as it seems it may be so but at the same time it is also  crippling our nation.

Obesity related diseases are 147 Billion Dollar Medical Burden each year according to the Center Of Disease Control.

Fast food is available on every street corner and not to mention that every year 24,000 different foods enter the Marketplace,filled with saturated fats,preservatives,and are highly processed.

This is horrifying!” This is the cause of Obesity,Diabetes,Heart Disease, and Malnutrition. This also is a main cause of awful Sleeping Patterns and Stress Levels.


I also wish to add another issue stated by The Center Of Disease Control: It is said that this is the first Generation that parents will actually out live their Children!!

That my friends is a Horrific thought, but it is in this statement that you do have the power to fix this issue.

Children as young as 12 years of age are being diagnosed with High Blood Pressure,Studies actually show that a child has a 1in 3 chance of developing Type 2 Diabetes. Which I may add is the 7th cause of Death in The United States. <

I believe it is time to make a change, and this my friends is definitely something we can change,and absolutely should now! <

You see, the body is so amazing it can actually begin to heal itself, with the right Diet and the right Supplements you will begin to bring your Body back into perfect balance. (As it should be)

This is what will happen when you begin to lose fat:<a

1.)Migraines reduce 57%
2.) Depression -Reduces 55%
3.)Sleep Apnea-Reduces 98%
4.) Hypertension-Reduces 92%
5.)Type 2 Diabetes-Reduces 83%
6.)Gout-Reduces 77%
7.)PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome-79%
8.)Degenerative Joint Disease-76%

After all that being said, as you can see your overall LifeSpan increases.


“The Flow Of Life”


Water is the most amazing thing on our planet, it is absolutely refreshing but yet so very powerful,it heals us, but yet can also destroy us. Such perfect balance i’d say.

As human beings we all have a light and dark side in all of us it is just a matter of which side you choose to give your precious energy to. Why feed into negativity, when you can gain so much from just accepting and moving on. We get angry and upset over things that we can’t control and then the body gets weakened by all the stress and anger that we can not do anything about anyway.

What I am trying to say here is, please don’t feed into anger,stress,and unhappiness if you really don’t have to. I can not stress enough that life is way to short, it really,really, is. I seen so many people on their death bed wishing they did things so differently, and we do not think about that stuff now because we are not in that position yet.

I myself was on the death bed, I actually died and was lucky enough to back, did I think for a second ever that I was going to actually die anytime soon? No I did not. You see so many live on a schedule day by day by day and so on. It really saddens me to see such. Well, unless they are extremely happy people that may enjoy that.

I think we should all take some time and just flow, flow like water, like we are supposed to, take some time and think in absolute silence. We get so caught up with the daily grind that we forget actually who we are, and why we are here in the first place. Free yourself, free your mind and just set yourself absolutely free for awhile, and when you are done just sit back some more and enjoy it.


Life is a absolute treasure, a gift we have been given. Do with it what you wish, but please never take it for granted. Take a deep breath and really look around you.


That is all for Today…

“The Magnificence Of A Child’s Mind”


Remember back when you were a child, you could do and be anything you wanted right? If you wanted to be superman, you would put on the cape from whatever it was that you used, and fly around the house, but clearly we all know in our minds we were really flying
and nobody could tell us different.


We were Scientists,Rockstars, anything under the sun and actually unbeatable, we could take on just about anything, “why? Because we had super powers.

Don’t forget playing in the mudd was absolutely so much fun, as well as the rain and snow without a care in the world. Then as we get older we tend to forget about all those things and eventually grow into the thing called “Life” everything changes, you no longer believe you have superpowers, you run for shelter when you feel that small drop of rain, mudd suddenly become gross to you and so on.

Let’s not forget the loss of imagination, that is what made all the adventures take place in the beginning. I believe that is a huge problem nowadays because children are told by teachers,parents and etc that there is no such thing as a leprechaun,Rainbow flowers, and pink elephants. I say SAYS WHO”? Why?

You see things the way we are told and not because we believe anymore, we lost our imagination and superpowers. I find it to be really sad. I myself actually love the rain and I also know that you will not shrink if you stand in it for awhile, it is rather beautiful! You should try it sometime.


The thing is, is that so many compete with each other so much it turns into a very unhappy,miserable life, Mines better than yours, I have a better lawn than yours, bigger house, my clothes are better and so on. I find this absolutely ABSURD! Think about it, when we leave this beautiful world are we going to be remembered by what we won, or who had the most material garbage that made you happy for a day or two?

What i’m trying to say here is find your happiness, actually find your desire and share your happiness, spread it like wildfire. Touch people with it and maybe you can guide them to their true inner happiness. We still have those superpowers and a incredible imagination, what you need to do is find it deep inside you and use it. I am only saying this because you don’t want to get older in age and be the one that says, “I wish i did” or I really should of”

If you don’t like your job, or what your doing now change it, I did. Stand out in the rain, go dig in the mudd or jump in puddles awhile.
Whatever it may be just do it.

All I ask is that you “NEVER GIVE UP” If you fall get back up and start all over again, because life is happening, but it is not waiting for you, we can not slow it down or pause it. Always remember that.


“Gratitude To My Followers”


This is a short blog post to just give a huge appreciation to my followers so far, I give thanks for all the likes, the comments and again the followers.

As you all already know I am a Network Marketer, Reiki healer,Blogtalkradio Host, and involved in so much more. You also know I am a huge MSF-Doctors Without Boarders Supporter. This is one of the reasons why I chose Networking because it gives me the freedom, the time and residual to do so. It is such a honor to be able to support Humanitarian Aid work because they do not judge upon Race,Religion,Ethnicity, and Political choices.


Again, I have gone off topic.(haha)
As you all know I also will be shaving my hair off to raise funds to support this group, and like I said before this is much bigger than “Vanity” I do have a goal amount for this fundraiser I am doing and the 30th is the last date.

Back to the point of this blog post, I am very grateful for all of you who are following, and love all your support, each and everyone one of you and also to those yet to come.

I wish you all happiness and the most highest success in what you are doing as well. 🙂

Thank you! Thank You! Thank You!


-Tammys Ariix-

“Living From The Heart”


Are you living from the Heart,Can you actually feel it? As we know that when everything is felt it is felt in our Hearts. When you love,hate,judge,and feel absolute happiness it is all there.

It all really starts when you fall in love with “yourself” Are you in love with yourself? Can you actually really feel it? If not then I think you should start, as the saying goes “you can not really love anyone or anything else, until you really truly love yourself.

Some thing’s are just easier said then done, it is thus then you will find your destiny, your inner power, the magic within ourselves. We all have it. We hold the key to our own happiness and bliss. Sometimes when you are just about to reach that magnificent point of loving yourself, Vanity,Envy,Jealousy,hate and judgement squeezes itself in there, and rips it away!


It saddens me very much to see people using bandaids, such as alcohol,narcotics,anti-depressants, to cover it all up and make those issues disappear. I will tell you right now, they do not work. They just make everything worse or maybe the cause of a early death. All because you do not love/like something about yourself.


I can not stress enough that we have the ultimate power, what we do radiates, you may not think so but it really,really, does. If we can change one person a day, then we are doing fantastic. Sends those messages out to one another.


Nobody wants to be un-happy,miserable,angry,unhealthy,and overweight. I believe that people get so far down they just don’t know where to even begin to get back up, or maybe they don’t have anyone to help them give them the push they need. That is when we step in with open arms, take them under our wings, and teach them how to fly.

The best tools in life we are given is ears to honestly listen, and a heart to actually feel. We are not emotionless robots. So let your heart radiate for a much bigger purpose. Start living and loving yourself and others.


There is a absolute reason for everything.